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 dB-Tools Vers 2.5 -- Copyright ---------------------------------------------

  dB-Tools Copyright by         A. Ricky Holles
                                Gerechtigkeitsgasse 4
                                8002 Zurich /Switzerland

                                Tel: (0041) -1 - 202'43'09
                                Tax: (0041) -1 - 341'22'05

   This Software is for sale to the shareware-princip. You can use the
   programm for test, and if you want, you can get a licence for 85$,
   which contains you later Upgrade-Versions. Please note that the
   development-time for this Programm were and also will be in the future
   considerable, so that i am  dependent on your trust for a dBTools-

                               Zurich, June 1993 / A. Ricky Holles


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